Stated Meeting
Far East Lodge No. 1 meets monthly on the First Saturday of the month.
** Except in August.
The Lodge will hold its next Stated Meeting on 11 January 2025 at 13:00.
Events and Locations
January Stated Meeting at Yokohama Masonic Temple.
Installation Ceremony and Banquet will be held at YC&AC.
13:00 - Stated meeting (Master Masons only), at Yokohama Masonic Temple.
16:00 - Door opens at YC&AC, Guests start to arrive.
16:30 - Lodge Officer installation ceremony begins at YC&AC.
Installing officer: MWB Joel Encarnacion
Master of Ceremonies: VWB Taiki Ogawa
19:00 - Banquet begins at YC&AC.
Dress Code: Formal (tuxedo or dark suit)
If you would like to visit, please contact us in advance from the contact page.
2025/1/11 (土) 13:00 より、ファー・イースト・ロッジ・ナンバー・ワンの定例会を実施いたします。
ドレスコード: タキシード、ダークスーツ
参加・見学のご希望は事前に コンタクトページ よりご連絡ください。